A Video Moment of Zen at Huntley Meadows Park in Virginia

An early morning walk at Huntley Meadows Park just south of Alexandria. This has become one of our favorite parks to go to for Photography Walks. There is always plenty of parking. To walk the entire loop will take you about 45 minutes to 1 hour unless you are taking photographs.

What makes Huntley special is that you are walking over Wetlands They have a boardwalk the allows you to cross from the North Pond to the South Pond and being over the water gives you the proximity to the birds.

I am still trying to improve my Video Skills. The video below are from 3 videos that are taken on the Canon R5. I then processed the clips using iMovie. What surprised me most is how clearly you can hear the sounds of other birds in the background. I did not even have an external microphone on the camera for this clip but I will bring my mic on future trips.

The 3 birds in the video are the Red-winged Blackbird, Bald Eagle and Hooded Merganser.

A downloadable Map with Directions to Huntley is attached below. From downtown Washington DC it takes us just about 30 minutes to arrive.